About Us

About Us

Generation Excellent is a traveling choral and drama group dedicated to spreading the hope of Jesus Christ. 

Formed in 2009, Generation Excellent was initially composed of children and youth; however, over time, our members and presentations have greatly changed, evolving and maturing into a smaller group of professional adults who are strongly committed and dedicated to our original purpose and mission. Although we come from different backgrounds, it is still our utmost desire to further God’s kingdom by spreading Christ’s love and bringing encouragement to lost and hurting souls.

Our Programs

Our Programs

Generation Excellent crafts and performs high-quality drama and choral presentations that bring the Bible to life in an intimate and personal way. 

We desire our programs to connect the audience with God and the Bible. Dramatic monologues and choral music are presented with professional stage setups to invite our audience into a worshipful experience. Each year, we present a non-seasonal program which we schedule from January through October. During November and December, we offer a Christmas program which centers around remembering and worshiping and worship the One the season is truly about. 

It is not our intent to entertain congregations, but that God would use us to ignite a fire that will draw you into a closer, more personal relationship with Him.

Current Program — ...And There Was Light

Current Program — 
...And There Was Light

Generation Excellent proudly presents a brand new Christmas program, "...And There Was Light"

Step into a Christmas celebration where we reveal a story set in motion before God said, "Let there be Light."  
Discover how the Creator planned to save a fallen world even before it was created!

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Ministry Opportunity

Ministry Opportunity

Generation Excellent is a proud partner of Compassion International, a ministry dedicated to releasing children from poverty and life-threatening situations in the name of Jesus.

For $38 a month, you can give a child a chance to receive health care, education, supplemental food, recreational activities, Christ-centered guidance, and love. When you sponsor a child, you care for and encourage them through prayer, letter writing, and financial support. Your support empowers a local church to individually and holistically meet their needs in a loving, safe community where they can learn, grow, play, and dream. When you become a sponsor, you are personally connected with a child who will know your name and treasure the thought that you care about them as well as providing opportunities for them to develop emotionally, economically, physically, and spiritually. It's a relationship more powerful than poverty—changing their life and yours!

At the end of each of our worship services, you will have the opportunity to sponsor a child and discover other ways you can make a difference in the lives of families worldwide.

Learn More about Compassion International